Naturalistic Gardens – Native Landscapes

(903) 279-9934

Echinacea purpurea with funereal duskywing butterfly

We create naturalistic eco-minded gardens that reflect the historical beauty of East Texas ecosystems. Most of the plants we use are native to the southeastern United States. Many are grown in our nursery from hand collected seed.

Unfortunately, the best native plants for use in landscapes have been nearly extirpated from or region. Finding them is often a major challenge.

When we do find them, we patiently watch and wait for the seeds to ripen. If viable seeds form, and we’re lucky enough to get there before nature claims them, we harvest.

It is our mission, to locate, collect, and preserve the floral integrity of East Texas before it is gone. 

seed collection compass plant silphium
coral bean fruit and red seeds

To make a long story short, we process the seeds, overcome the dormancy requirements, germinate them, and finally grow the new plants in our facility. Each step has its own set of challenges.

When they’re ready, these plants will find their way into new landscapes. The benefits of using locally adapted plants are many. 

Native plant communities provide the ecosystem services that are necessary for supporting local wildlife like songbirds, hummingbirds, butterflies, bees, dragonflies, and frogs. Plant them and they will come.

East Texas native perennial garden.
baby mockingbirds